There are so many things I love about homeopathy… it is safe, aids the body to heal, non-toxic and my kids even think the pellets are like candy because they taste sweet! For those who are not familiar with homeopathy… Please read this great, simple article that explains what homeopathy is and how it works.
It is so safe that I don’t have to worry about my kids getting sick if they swallow a whole bottle and… ahem… my oldest daughter has done that a few times! As a child, I did that but with a bottle of baby Tylenol and had to go to the emergency room to get my stomach pumped. Yeah, that’s why you will never see that stuff or any form of over-the-counter/prescribed medication in my house. I don’t want that to happen to any of my kids!
So, if you take the wrong remedy for something… you don’t have to worry about it making you sicker because it won’t do anything to you if it is not the right kind! You can simply switch to a different kind of remedy better matched to your symptoms. You can’t really do that safely with over-the-counter or prescribed medication.
Below I am going to share a few that I’ve used through each of my births and what they do. Then I want to share with you a new program that I am doing right now (started late, though) with pregnancy #4 that I learned recently from a homeopathic.
Again, this is why I love homeopathy… I do not have to worry about any harm being done to the baby or me while doing this program!
Again, this is why I love homeopathy… I do not have to worry about any harm being done to the baby or me while doing this program!
Oh, ahem… again, before you read on, I have to say this for legal reasons… I’m not a doctor, just a pregnant gal who likes to share what she is doing to have a healthy pregnancy & birth. Please consult your midwife or doctor about any changes you make to your diet while pregnant. Homeopathy does not cause interactions with pharmaceutical drugs and are safe for everyone. You can read more FAQs about homeopathy here.
Homeopathy Remedies for Labor & Birth
We all know that childbirth is a natural process and unless complications develop, no intervention is needed. More and more parents are accepting this view once again and choosing to labor without anesthesia and, more so recently, many prefer to have their baby born at home.
Homeopathy can help make childbirth easier with the use of homeopathic remedies to help prevent lengthy, painful labor and soothe sore muscles after birth.
Caulophyllum thalictroides
I first learned about this remedy from Homeopathic Medicine at Home while pregnant with Tobi (#3) and believe it made a difference in my labor & birth. Here’s a soundbite from the book:
“The early settlers first learned about this remedy from the Indians, who called it “squaw-root” or “birth-root”. Indian women chewed the root when they were at full term. The early homeopaths, ever on the alert for curative medicines, potentized this remedy, which they called Caulophyllum thalictroides.
In the event of false labor pains (pains not accompanied by effacement and dilation of the cervix), the remedy stimulates the onset and continuation of effective contractions.
A British homeopath, Dr. Douglas M. Borland, author of Homeopathy for Mother and Infant, recommends taking a daily dose of Caulophyllum during the last 2 or 3 weeks of pregnancy to ease labor. Many mothers (including myself) have reported a rapid, “easy” labor.”
I started taking this remedy about a week before my due date and Tobias was born exactly the due date I predicted (he’s the only one I knew for sure when I conceived!). The labor was fast and fairly easy. I was surprised by how quickly it was happening and how smoothly it flowed. Tobi was born in less then 2 hours!
When to use:
You can start taking it, once or twice a day, 2 to 3 weeks before the due date. Or when you start to feel contractions, take it every 15 minutes and stop when contractions become full and steady.
Carbo vegetabilis
I have not needed to take this, but always have it on hand just in case. This remedy is known as the “great reviver”, proved to help restore strength when exhausted.
If labor has been going on for some time and you feel completely depleted and too tired to carry on. Plus, you cravings for cold, moving air… Carbo vegtabilis is the remedy for you. After taking your first dose you should start to feel your strength coming back to complete the job!
When to use:
When you feel completely exhausted, take repeated doses every 15 minutes until you feel your strength come back. Stop taking when you feel strengthened.
Arnica Montana
I was first introduced to homeopathy after the birth of my first baby. My midwife gave me a bottle of Arnica Montana to help with muscle pains and aches from the birth.
I was all for trying a natural alternative to Tylenol or aspirin. I didn’t want to take either, but didn’t know what I could take to help with my sore muscles because I was still very new in the world of natural remedies at that time. Thankfully my midwife took care of that for me!
After she told me how much to take and how often… I was shocked to find myself feeling great very quickly. I noticed if I missed a dose within the time frame I start to feel sore, but as soon as I took my dose… my pains and aches magically went away! It was amazing!
After that experience, I knew I had to explore the world of homeopathy. Ever since, I have been able to treat my family holistically using homeopathy, among other natural remedies, with great success! I am still learning as I go along in life and have to say that I am not an expert even though I’ve been using homeopathy for over 5 years now.
I’ve used Arnica with all my pregnancies and ALWAYS always have a bottle or two around for my family. I also have a bottle of arnica oil that is wonderful to rub on sore muscles and a bottle of arnica tincture to mix with water for a more potent effect. This is one homeopathy we use quite often with our 3 energenic kids and lots of animals running around!
In addition to relieving sore muscles and bruised parts, Arnica will speedily heal an episiotomy or tear if they happen.
When to use:
Immediately after delivery and repeat the dose every 15 to 30 minutes until you feel comfortable. Keep taking it every hour after that.
Homeopathy Remedies for Pregnancy
A while back I received an email update from Joette Calabrese who is a practicing homeopathic and has a wonderful website, HomeopathyWorks, that I’ve learned much from. The focus of the newsletter was about pregnancy and how to have a healthy pregnancy, quick labor and easy birth by using homeopathy.
Joette shared her experiences of using these very homeopathies to improve the outcome of her last 2 pregnancies after having a very long (40 hours!), painful labor with her first (all natural too!). The results were amazing… pain was minimal and the labor/birth were quick & easy! She gave birth at home and was over 40 years old at those times.
The following program came not only from her own personal experiences, but also from attending many home births and working with lots of women. She recommends a daily intake of homeopathic cell salts, instead of prenatal vitamins, that will supply the nutrition a mama and baby needs. She says they have a proven record and unlike some prenatal vitamins, carry no side effects.
Remember, no amount of homeopathy or prenatal vitamins will substitute for a poor diet. So, it is vital that you load up on wholesome, nutritionally dense foods… read my note on “Super Foods for Mama & Baby” (coming soon!).
Remember, no amount of homeopathy or prenatal vitamins will substitute for a poor diet. So, it is vital that you load up on wholesome, nutritionally dense foods… read my note on “Super Foods for Mama & Baby” (coming soon!).
Below is the list of remedies and the schedule she recommends for mamas to follow for the duration of the pregnancy and for as long as the baby nurses:
Calcarea fluorata 6 or 12: Prevents stretch marks, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. It also builds good tooth enamel in the mother and child as well as strong bones for both.
Ferrum phosphoricum 6: Strengthens blood vessels and arteries and helps prevent anemia.
Magnesia phosphorica 6: Alleviates spasms and cramps, such as leg and abdominal cramps. It can even eliminate the baby’s hiccups in utero.
Natrum muriaticum 6: Helps cope with metabolic changes of pregnancy. Prevents and cures dry skin, heartburn, swollen ankles and helps to eliminate toxins.
Silicea 6: Needed, for blood, skin, hair and nails.
Month 1: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Ferr phos 6x
Month 2: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Ferr phos 6x
Month 3: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Nat mur 6x
Month 4: Calc fluor 6x, Nat mur 6x, Silicea 6x
Month 5: Calc fluor 6x, Ferr phos 6x, Silicea 6x
Month 6: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Ferr phos 6x
Month 7: Calc fluor 6x, Mag phos 6x, Nat mur 6x
Month 8: Calc fluor 6x, Nat mur 6x, Silicea 6x
Month 9: Calc fluor 6x, Ferr phos 6x, Silicea 6x
(Continue for as long as the baby is nursing)
Take three to four pills of each remedy, three times a day, according to the monthly schedule.
Just like higher potency homeopathic remedies, cell salts (sometimes called tissue salts or biochemic homeopathy) are prepared in highly diluted dosages. This gives them a greater ability to work.
You can purchase cell salts in most health food stores, Vitacost (this link is my referral link, get $10 off on your first purchase from Vitacost!) or online. They are pretty inexpensive.
You can purchase cell salts in most health food stores, Vitacost (this link is my referral link, get $10 off on your first purchase from Vitacost!) or online. They are pretty inexpensive.
Joette’s office also carries a convenient cell salt kit which you can purchased if you are interested.
What about you? Do you use homeopathy during pregnancy, birth and/or postpartum? Please share below!
Linked up at Monday Mania and Simple Lives Thursday.
Note: I am not affiliated with Joette or Homeopathy Works or 1-800-Homeopathy.
Megan of says
Wow…Fantastic! I wish I’d had this post years ago! I’m bookmarking it, printing it, and forwarding to my midwife! I’m nursing my 10 mo old, and plan to continue for at least another year. Which are best for breastfeeding?
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Megan! I know what you mean about wishing you had known years ago. I’m in the same boat :o) But better that I start now then never.
For breastfeeding, I would start taking the 3 homeopathy marked on the 9th month. That is what the homeopathic recommended and I’m sure she would say to take those 3 for maximum benefits during breastfeeding.
I found that has great prices on these cell salts. I ordered the ones I needed (comes in 1000 or 250 tabs). If you’ve never shopped at Vitacost… then you can use my referral link and get a $10 off coupon! A nice way for them to welcome a new customer, plus shipping is super cheap or free! Can’t beat that!
Anonymous says
Great post! Thank you for sharing. For the caulophyllum did you use pellets, tablets, or liquid? Where did you buy it from and what is the potency? I went to the website you attached and these were the options I had to choose from. Thanks so much!
Marillyn Beard says
Hello! Glad you enjoy the post! For the Caul… I bought it here (Honduras) from a homeopathic and it is in pellet form.
Pellet, tablets and liquid will all work fine. Just depends on your preference. The potency I have is 30C, that’s what they had available. The book where I learned about this remedy didn’t say anything about what potency to use.
Heather says
I would love to try this with my current pregnancy – I’m at 24 weeks! Do you know how this would work with herbal teas, such as the Bulk Herb pregnancy tea?
I’m concerned about “overdoing” it, you know? Thanks!
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Heather! Congratulations on your pregnancy!
I understand your concern with overdoing it, but there is no need to worry. During my last pregnancy, I did this program and drank my daily Happy Belly Tea with no problems and felt great! Our little girl was born healthy and is a robust child :o)
Be sure to check out my recipe for the Happy Belly Tea… yummy!
sachin tanwar says
Great post!I have gone through your blog. The information you have given are really informative.
Homeopathy Clinic in Panchkula
The Southern Peach-Girls says
I have been using homeopathy for the past few years. We started due to my son being failure to thrive with no known reason (by the medical docs). We were using a fantastic homeopath and saw amazing results. Not to mention the absolutely amazing results of having an intense acute illness pop up and having homeopathy take care of it in hours!!! Homeopathy never ceases to amaze me! I just wanted to pass along some information that I have learned from our homeopath. Obviously, like your disclosure, consult your own homeopath for their recommendation.
When we had to make up my son’s homeopathic remedies we were advised to do so in the following way:
Take one pellet of the remedy and put it in a small glass jar (I use the small 1 or 2 oz bottles, you can find some at Whole Foods). Fill the jar with purified water. Let the pellet disolve. To take the remedy you first ‘succuss’ the bottle ten times. Succuss, means to hit the bottle on the palm of your hand, and you do that 10 times. This helps to give the remedy a little more energy, increasing the energy each time you take the remedy, making it more effective. After 10 doses of the remedy, should you need to take that many, you would need to repotentize it. I can give instructions on that if you like, but at this point my comment may be getting a bit long 🙂
This helps to save on how many pellets you need to take. Plus, if you like to keep some made up remedies for first aid, you can make up the water solution but with 10 to 20 percent being alcohol (the kind for human consumption). The great thing about this is that it will keep the remedy stable for about a month, or a bit more, depending on temps. Of course if you have young ones, you may not want the alcohol.
Hope someone can find this information useful. I know I am very excited about trying the Caulophyllum Thalictroides! We just found out we are expecting number 8, and my last two labors were not so fun 🙂
Marillyn Beard says
Thank you for sharing this Kerri! I love learning all this. Will have to try this method for ourselves.
Jennifer says
Kerri, instructions on repotenizing a wet dose? So appreciate your inform and this post. Thanks!
The Southern Peach-Girls says
I came back to this post to write down the remedies, so I could purchase them.
One question, what potency is the caulophyllum thalictroides?
Thank you,
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Kerri,
THe potency for caul. thal. is 30C
Karen says
Love your blog! What a great resource. I’m excited to take the Caulophyllum thalictroides to see if it helps my labor. Last time was not so fun.
Question: You mention that cell salts help the effectiveness of the homeopathic. Is there a particular cell salt I should take along with the caul. tha?
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Karen! I’m not sure I understand your question, but you can take any of the cell salts listed above for effectiveness.
Anonymous says
I’m going to try the caul thal. Is there a brand that worked for you? I’m not near any health stores so I’ll purchase whatever is best, online.
Thank you!
Anonymous says
I took the Caulophyllum thalictroides 3 weeks before my due date and had my baby in 4 hours from start of contractions to holding baby! Thanks for your tips! Do you have any tips for post-partum night sweating? It’s awful!
Maternity tops says
This is awesome, I know lots of people can have a lot of pregnancy problems but they don’t always know what to do about them. A friend of mine had very bad heartburn and indigestion and she found that all of her maternity tops and dresses would be uncomfortable because they’d dig into her. I’ll keep this post in mind for any other pregnant friends.
Diane Deeney says
This is just what my friend needs and I will share it with her. Thanks
Charan says
Wonder if the cell salts (ferr phos, Kali phos taken individually or I see in vitacost something called bioplasma salt in just single bottle? Can it be just taken together as one homepathic medicine?
I am in my 6 month of pregnancy and I definitely like to take this cell salt..plz let me know. Thanks
Marillyn Beard says
Hello, I’ve been taking these homeopathic individually as there is a schedule of when you should take which cell salts. Even though you are starting later, I encourage you to follow the schedule rather than just taking all of them at once. Regarding Kali Phos… that’s not on the list for labor and birth or the schedule set up Joette. I’m not sure where you got that.
If you are not satisfied with my answer I encourage you to take your question to Joette Calabrese or someone who is a licensed homeopath. Hope all goes well with your birth and baby!
maria says
hello dear load of thanks for this short n sweet article. i have bartholin cyst n it hurts me pike crazy while going to washroomroom. i m 28 weeks pregnant can i take silicea willmar schawbe in liquid to get ease. lots of people wrote it cause miscarriage. please help . thanks
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Maria,
Do you have a midwife or good doctor that can help you? Homeopathy will not cause miscarriages, but it sounds like you have a pain that needs professional help.
Kristyn says
Hello! I’m in the 2nd month of my first pregnancy and I’ve had pretty bad sickness but it is getting better and I’m concerned about stretch marks because I’m very small and they are in my genes! What is the best thing for stretch mark prevention and where can I get the product?
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Kristyn, eating lots of collagen and broth and good fats are known to nourish the skin and lessen stretch marks!
Danielle says
Can you detail what potencies are recommended for the three homeopathy you talk about? I’m on vitacost but am getting confused between 6x 6c and 30. Thanks!
Marillyn Beard says
Hello! 6x or 30c are good!
Joanne whelam says
Hi Marillyn , I didn’t know about all those good pills you’ve mentioned here but I purchased MAG PHOS 6X to help in labor I’m wondering if I can take those alone to help and how long before labor I can start taking them?
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Joanne, Mag Phos is good… but I’m not sure if it will help labor along like Caulophyllum thalictroides does. Mag Phos is great for cramping and muscle pain, which might help with the labor pains.
I would start at least 2 weeks before your due date. Hope all goes smoothly!
Sunny Agarwal says
Are you still updating your site?
I was searching for content on Homeopathy when I came across this page
However, I noticed a few links didn’t seem to be working:
Also, I recently published It may make a good replacement for the
Either way, I hope this helped you out
Marillyn Beard says
Thank you for the link Sunny!
Franca says
Hi does any one have advise on good remedies to take before getting pregnant. To help getting pregnant. To insure the egg fasten etc. Anyone with experience? Sincerely
Marillyn Beard says
Hi Franca! Yes, there are a few supplements I would recommend. I will message you directly!
Debi says
Hi, I’m also looking for good remedies to help getting pregnant. Thanks.
Marillyn Beard says
Hello! There are many ways to help increase your chances of getting pregnant. Food is the first step! Hightly recommend increasing healhty fats, eat good proteins, lots of veggies and limited pasteurized diary (raw diary is best!). Please look at my post about the supplements I recommend, those are great to start now to prepare your body for pregnancy.
Also, I highly recommend Young Living’s Progessence Plus serum and Endoflex for horomone support and balance along with Clary Sage essential oil. Those three have been vital for many women in helping them get pregnant. Let me know if you would like to know more about this!