This is a busy, special month of celebrations for my family…
Please join us in these celebrations! On each special day I will be giving away gifts of cookbooks & DVDs that you will find essential in my home and kitchen. The final giveaway (my birthday!) will be a surprise and I hope a good one!
To start off the celebration, we will be asking for suggested donations of $8 a book. That’s $4 off the original suggested donation!
Go and purchase your Just Making Ice Cream eBook and enjoy ice cream made of every kind of flavor you need year round!
When you make your order, simply change the total from $12 to $8.
Want to give more? You can change the total anywhere from $8 to $12 and beyond!
Remember, everything things goes towards supporting the ministry of RO4Y. Thank you!
Now keep a lookout for these giveaways! Winners will be announced in January.
isn’t christmas on the 25th?
OOPS! LOL! My bad ;o)