I think it is safe to say that everybody loves ice cream, right? Cold, creamy and bursting with flavors… it’s the go-to sweet treat on hot summer nights, at parties and whenever the sweet tooth hits.
I thought taking a peek through my ice cream ebook would be great for those who haven’t bought the book. A picture is worth a thousand words, right?
Plus, my ebook is more than just a recipe ebook with great pictures… it also has practical ice cream-making tips choosing an ice cream maker, how to make ice cream without an ice cream maker and the basic principles of delicious homemade ice cream using healthy ingredients & alternative sweeteners.
You will also find more than 30 ice cream/gelato recipes, 9 cultured milk recipes, 10 sherbet recipes, 10 sorbet recipes and 10 toppings/extras that will keep you busy all year round!
Let me share almost everything you will get in my book…
I don’t just stop there… I am ALWAYS thinking of new flavors and trying new flavors of ice cream whenever I can!
Most of the pictures below are in my book, but there are some that are not and I plan to update this post with more pictures whenever I am able to get a good shot of my delicious frozen treats.
You never know, maybe I will make an ‘updated’ version of Just Making Ice Cream… with more pictures and new recipes! What you think of that? The 2nd Edition of Just Making Ice Cream is now available and I am already working towards creating a 3rd Edition! I hope to also make this available for print too!
supeer delicious <3
You had me at German Chocolate ice cream. I’m officially drooling like a dog now.