That gorgeous, golden egg in the picture came from one of my hens… that is what a healthy egg should look like!
How many of you remember the scene from the movie “Rocky” where he drinks chugs down that large glass of raw eggs as part of his workout program?
Can you do that?
I can’t do that! I would most likely end up gagging, choking and spewing it all over the place!
BUT I have other ways taking in my raw egg yolks without having to plug up my nose and chug it down… I can even enjoy it!
The Amazing Yolk
Beautiful, golden egg yolks are the ace of spades for overall health. They are excellent for people of all ages, especially growing children and one of the 7 super foods for pregnant mamas.
According to research, egg yolks would resolve most common nutrient deficiencies and they are the complete meal full of excellent protein, fats, vitamins, omega-3s and more … all packaged conveniently in their cute little shells.
Egg yolks supplies cholesterol needed for mental development and important sulphur-contained amino acids… that is vital for you and your family!
Eggs from hens raised on pasture, flax meal and insects are also rich in the omega-3 fatty acids found in mama’s milk but is often lacking in cow’s milk. These fatty acids are so important for brain development.
But that depends on what kind of eggs you eat…
Healthy Chickens, Healthy Eggs
I didn’t improve my health & eating habits until after I was already pregnant with my 1st baby, but better late than never! I seriously wish I knew what I know now before I was pregnant with my first baby. Thankfully, over all, it was a good pregnancy and the birth was amazing.
Plus, for my babies’ first food… I gave them soft-boiled egg yolks. Yep, you read that right! The nourishing fats found in egg yolks is vital for brain development in babies & young children and so much better than the yucky rice mush.
Wondering how to accomplish that? Let me share some easy ways you can eat your raw egg yolks and actually enjoy it!
With Honey…
{Rise & Shine Breakfast Smoothie} The most popular way to consume egg yolks is in a smoothie. I usually like to throw in my egg yolks after I’ve blended up the fruit & kefir and give it a couple whirls. This is one of my favorite ways to ‘hide’ yolks… my kids love ’em! So yummy!
In Porridge…
{Soaked Oatmeal} I came up with this idea a few years back when I was trying to get my family to eat more egg yolks. My kids did really well with eating it, but with LOTS of honey and fruit. Very simple and great way to balance the protein and carbs! You can use any kind of porridge – oatmeal, millet, wheat berries, etc… whatever suits you.
In Ice Cream…
{Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Ice Cream} I always think ice cream tastes better with egg yolks. Richer. Creamier. Dense. But that’s my opinion. Of course, my family loves ice cream and my kids always make sure I throw in some yolks! You will find lots of recipes in my ebook, Just Making Ice Cream, that calls for egg yolks. Of course, for those who can’t have eggs… simply omit it! It will still be yummy and nourishing with all that milk!
In Drinks…
{Eggnog} This classic holiday drink should be drunk year round! It is so simple to make and there really isn’t one recipe… everybody has their own way of making eggnog. Me, I whipped up some this morning! All I did was fill a glass with fresh milk, drop in a couple egg yolks and sweetened it with vanilla creme stevia (you can use any sweetener you want!). Then I took a small whisk and mix it all together. Then I usually like to sprinkle cinnamon and nutmeg on top. This is my oldest girl’s favorite treat, especially before bed 🙂
In Mayo…
{Homemade Mayonnaise} Finally… homemade mayo using only 5 ingredients and SO yummy with almost anything. We love it on our salads, scrambled eggs and fried potatoes. I always have to make a double batch and it never lasts for more than 4 days with my family! I often have to be the mayo police because I’m the one who has to make it 🙂
Well, that’s my 6 ways of enjoying raw egg yolks!
What about you? Which ones are you favorites? Am I missing any other ways?
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This Hungry Hippo says
Are the egg yolks any good if they are cooked? I eat a ton of pastured eggs but not raw. I definitely want to try the smoothie, that’s a great idea as well.
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Hungry Hippo! The egg starts to lose its nutritional value when cooked. Most of the time when I cook my eggs. I like them sunny side up to preserve the yolk as much as possible, but eat them raw is the best way to get everything.
You will enjoy the smoothie… it is always great for first timers!!
Rachel B says
Thanks for these great ideas! I tried eggnog for the first time ever a couple weeks ago, and it was pretty good. But variety is always nice… 🙂
Marillyn Beard says
You are welcome Rachel! We love eggnog… especially with maple syrup. YUM!
Yes, variety is always nice 🙂
Sk says
I have half boiled so it’s funny is that ok for the vitamins I have in a roll with mayonaise
Juf says
Thanks! I’ve got another great recipe for you, if you like mocha:
I cut the sugar way down, which only makes it taste more genuinely mocha. And I use walnuts instead of pecans for the crust to keep the cost down.
Marillyn Beard says
Juf, WOW! Thank you for sharing that recipe with me… I am TOTALLY going to make it, but with some changes. Awesome!
Diana@My Humble Kitchen says
Thanks for sharing, Mare! What a great list!! I need to make more of your yummy ice-cream. I just need to get a better ice-cream machine.
Marillyn Beard says
You’re welcome Diana! 🙂 When I was writing up the post… I knew I had to include your recipe.
YES, you must get a good ice cream machine!
Jeanine Staum says
what do you do with all the egg whites?
Marillyn Beard says
I usually like to save them and make some ice cream pie! I use the white to make the crust… here’s the recipe:
Here is a great post on ways to use up leftover egg whites: (you can freeze egg whites!)
Lori says
Is there supposed to be a link for the eggnog and mayo recipes? If so, I cannot access them from my browser. I sure would like to get those recipes! Thanks
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Lori,
No there is no link. I basically shared a very simple ‘recipe’ for the eggnog. And I am planning to share my recipe for the mayo very soon. So, keep a look out for it! Thanks!
Anonymous says
So why were we always told not to like the spoon of cake batter because of the eggs?
Marillyn Beard says
Because there was legit concern of bacterial contamination… I would NEVER eat cake batter or cookie dough made with conventional eggs popped out by sick, grain-fed chickens who never see the light of day or eat a blade of green grass.
BUT I whole heartedly eat raw eggs from my healthy, free-ranging chickens.
Karla says
Wondering why you wouldn’t just put the whole egg into a smoothy? I read something about keeping the whites and the yolks together, but now I can’t remember what exactly was the purpose.
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Karla!
I don’t always put the whole egg in the smoothie for two reasons… one being that too much egg white can prevent absorption of biotin and two being that I am not a fan of the texture the egg whites give in my smoothies 🙂
I have read that the yolks can help prevent the whites from carrying out the biotin, but it seems to be up in the air. My dad always put whole eggs in his smoothie and it is working great for his diet. I am thinking it comes down to the person’s preference ;o)
Jessica Tonka says
I’ve started making banana “custard” for my daughter. I just blend melted butter, mashed bananas, and egg yolks together. She loves it!
Marillyn Beard says
That sounds great, Jessica! Thank you for sharing!
Lauren says
Hi Marylin Iam a 16 year old girl, lately Iam craving the taste of raw eggs! Is it ok to just brake she shell and devour 1 or 2 fresh whole(the white and yolk) eggs? Assuming it is fresh and pastured . Thanks
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Lauren!
Yes, do enjoy fresh & pastured raw eggs if you are craving it! Tells me that your body needs it as it is probably going through hormonal adjustments and growth.
Ashley Miller says
WOW!! This post was super helpful! I am just now discovering the awesomeness of the raw egg – my grandmother heavily preached the “raw eggs = salmonella” thing in our house. I just picked up some organic free-range pasteurized eggs from the store tonight (I don’t live in the ideal situation to raise chickens in my backyard, nor do I know any local farmers, so that’s all I can do at the moment) Out of morbid curiosity, I sucked an egg straight from the shell…BLECCH!!! I don’t fancy doing that again, haha so I thought “Well there has to be a better way…” so I’m really glad to have stumbled across this! I’m glad to know that eggs in the raw are a viable substitute for taking vitamins as well (another thing my grandmother preaches) because I’ve never been very good about taking them and neither is my boyfriend, but we both love eggs! 🙂 I do have one question though- with recipes where you use several yolks (the smoothie, for example) do you workout afterward? It seems necessary in order to not gain weight from consuming that much protein…? Because I know the consumption of raw eggs is widely practiced by bodybuilders or fitness nazis, but what if you’re just doing it for your health?
Also, the way you write is adorable- “The mayo police” hahaha! Love it. 😀 I’m so excited to try the smoothies and the ‘Nog! 😀
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Ashley! So glad you found this post helpful! As for your question… My family is very active and we don’t worry about weight gain. Our sole purpose of consuming raw eggs is for health purposes. Bodybuilders tend to take in anywhere from 6 to 12 eggs a day because they are doing intensive workouts daily. For us, it is usually one egg per child and 2 eggs per adult in our smoothies a few times a week. Everyone is different…
For you, if you feel that you need to workout, then go for it. I would suggest that you do a morning workout and then have the smoothie afterwards. That will you will be giving your body the necessary food to restore energy. At least, that is what I do a few times a week.
Sahira says
I always eat my eggs either sunny side up to keep the yolk partly raw and raw yolks in smoothies. I’m not fortunate enough to have hens of my own, so I try to buy free range hens, who get to be outside seasonally. I would love to have access to pastured eggs, but we can try out best. I might try the yolks and honey. Doesn’t that golden colour look great? I’ve noticed when animals are left to eat and drink the way they were created to and get to live outside and feel the sunshine, what they provide to us is always rich in colour, taste and dense in wholesome nutrition.
Kris says
Mix the yolks and egg whites together, and pour into an ice cube tray. Two cubes are the equivalent of one large egg.
Marillyn Beard says
Thank you Kris! Will keep that in mind 🙂
Joseph Ngu says
You can put raw egg on cooked rice, one of Japanese breakfast. Mix raw egg and rice until rice is turn to yellow.
Marillyn Beard says
Hello Joseph,
Yes, we have done that as well!
Lillian K says
There is no local farm anywhere near me…maybe 3-4 hours away (I live in the city). Is my best bet to by organic eggs from the market?
Marillyn Beard says
Yes, that would be my next best option!
Julia Bell says
Similar to mayo, but we like using yolks in salad dressing (inspired by caesar-style)!
Marillyn Beard says
Yes! I need to do that! Thank you for sharing Julia!
Lina Marano says
Hello Marillyn Beard. Congratulations, Dedicated Mom. I’m Brazilian and I was looking for raw egg recipes when I came across your blog. I loved your recipes and sent them to mine. Egg shakes. Take two eggs to the multiprocessor, then beat a little add two ripe bananas and two tablespoons ground crushed peanuts. Eat spoon like a porridge. A delight. Kisses, Lina Marano.
Marillyn Beard says
Sounds delish! Thank you for sharing Lina!
Jennifer says
Wow! didn’t know so many other people eat raw eggs! I was recommended by my doctor to eat 1 every morning. He said to eat it with apple sauce but I went for a 1/3 cup of orange juice and mixed in the jolk and chug it. The juice totally hides the taste. And now when I ship a day I miss it! Oh the wonderfulness of raw free range eggs!
Jen says
Oh the wonderfulness of raw free range eggs!
Dimitrios says
When making mayo, you’re only using the yolks, so you miss out
on the whites.
Marillyn Beard says
I used a mix of yolks and whites for my homemade mayo! Its the yolks that have the most nutrients 🙂
Tash says
Can you eat raw egg yolks whilst pregnant?
Marillyn Beard says
YES! As long as the eggs are free-range eggs. Raw egg yolks are excellent for baby’s growth and your health!
Gerda says
When I was a kid, we used to make gogl-mogl using egg yolks. We put some sugar in it and stir and stir until the yolks became a bit fluffy and light yellow (instead of the original orange color). It was delicious. I just googled it too, and apparently, it’s quite popular in Eastern Europe .
Raz says
Thanks for this! I am going to try the egg nog and see if I can get my four year old to drink it! Egg yolk was one of my daughters first foods too!
I am part Iranian and in Iran they would traditionally give raw quail eggs to babies and children. Apparently quail eggs (as gross as that may sound to us americans) do not have pores on their shells like chicken eggs and so don’t have the risk of contamination from salmonella.
Marillyn Beard says
Hi Raz!
Thank you for sharing about what they do in Iran! That’s great to know what they traditionally do and the fact that quail eggs don’t have pores. I don’t think quail eggs sound gross 🙂